5 Therapeutic Uses of Common Backyard Trees and Plants

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

This plant has been used for its medicinal properties since biblical times. There are a lot of ailments than can be soothed from having a pot or two of aloe vera about the house, including sunburn, cuts, rashes, and digestive issues. Aloe vera is even used as a beauty treatment sometimes.

Therapeutic benefits

Aloe vera sap is the part of the plant that contains the good stuff. This sap will speed up healing and reduce the risk of infections for various wounds, burns of all kinds, and inflamed skin conditions like eczema. You can also take the sap or aloe vera juice internally for treating ulcerative colitis, indigestion, and chronic constipation.

How to grow aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant made up of 95% water, so any frosty cold environments will freeze it to death. Grow your aloe vera plants outside in warm climates – they love full sunshine or lightly shaded areas the most. They do well keep in their pots by a window; it’s only advised to plant your aloe vera if you are in a place with consistently mild weather year round.

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